25 December 2024 Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners, Appointment of PIL SHIPPING (CAMBODIA) CO.,...
11 December 2024 Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners, Relocation of PIL (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED in...
Date: 4 November 2024 Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners, Relocation of Pacific International Lin...
Date: 7 October 2024 Appointment of OIC Insurance Agency in Chuuk, Federated States of Microne...
2 August 2024 Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners, As part of our commitment of “Driving Connec...
25 March 2024 Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners, Appointment of Brazil Agency to Pacific Interna...
1 March 2024 Advisory: Renaming of Agency in Bintulu, Malaysia As part of our continuous effort t...
20 February 2024 Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners, Advisory: Relocation of Kaohsiung Branch Off...
Date: 1st March 2024 Renaming of Agency in Malaysia As part of our continuous ef...
Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners, PIL Vietnam Appointed as General Agency for Mariana Express LinesRead More
Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners, ADVISORY: Relocation of PIL (UAE) LLC Office Please...
Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners, ADVISORY: Relocation of PIL (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED in Uttar Pradesh (Delhi)...
Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners, ADVISORY: Relocation of PIL (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED in Gujarat (Mundra)Read More
1st December 2023 Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners, ADVISORY: Relocation of Pacific Internation...
21 September 2023 Please be advised that with immediate effect, the office of PT Pacific International Lines Indonesia in Jakarta...
11 August 2023 Renaming of Agency in Indonesia As part of our continuous effort to unify our net...
04 April 2023 MELL’s New Office in Singapore effective from 10 April 2023 We wish to inform you that with ef...
1 August 2023 We wish to inform you that with effect from today, 1 August 2023, Pacific International Lines, (India) Private Limi...
Dear Valued Customers, As part of our continuous effort to unify our network identity, we are pleased to announce that our a...
太平船务子公司—玛丽亚那班轮(MELL)欣然宣布,为支持新的蒂坝港(Tibar Bay port)开展试运营,旗下两艘船舶“Kota Dunia”号 和 “Selatan Damai ”号于 2022 年 9 月 14 日至9月...
Mariana Express Lines (MELL), a subsidiary of Pacific International Lines (PIL), is pleased to announce that two of its vessels Kota Dunia and S...
Dear Customers,
At Mariana Express Lines (MELL), we focus on making continual improvements to our safety practices to protect our crew...
As we enter the new year, MELL is taking steps to reinforce our safety practices to protect our crew, ships and cargo....
MELL is pleased to announce the launch of our new China – Thailand Service (CTS) with effect from 5th June 2021.
This new servic...
Mariana Express Lines Pte. Ltd. (MELL) is pleased to announce that PNG Shipping Agencies Limited (PNG Shipping) will be taking...
Mariana Express Lines Pte. Ltd. (MELL) is pleased to announce that PIL Shipping Co. Ltd (PIL Taiwan) will be taking over the re...
Mariana Express Lines Pte. Ltd. (MELL) is pleased to announce that PIL Philippines Incorporated is appointed as our Agent in Philippines, with e...
Dear Valued Customers,
Further to our IMO 2020 – Customer Advisory, MEL will be implementing LSR w.e.f. 1st December 2019 to rec...
We are proud to announce that we have just moved to a new office location on 16th September 2019.
Please be informed that PNG Ports Corporations Limited ("PNG Ports") has announced the adjustment of...
With the new IMO regulation of low sulphur limit (0.50%), Mariana Express Lines will implement the following Lo...
The new low sulphur regulation of 0.50% sulphur limit (currently applicable on Shanghai, Ningbo and all Yangtze...
Further to monitoring of IFO 380 bunker price which continues to increase from average USD 450/MT (in June 2018...
With effective from 1st October 201...
Mariana Express Lines Pte. Ltd. (MELL) is pleased to announce that PT. Karya Prima Pacific (KPP) i...
MELL is pleased to announce the insertion of the port Gladstone to our ANA Service. The maiden call will be Kota Nasrat v.108, ETA Qingdao 10th...
In view of escalating bunker price, it has become necessary for Mariana Express Lines Pte. Ltd. to implement Bu...
Dear Valued Customer
General Administration of Customs China (GACC) has released Order No. 56 [2017] to adjust the Advanced Manifest r...
In view of escalating operating cost, it has become necessary for Mariana Express Lines Pte Ltd to implement a...
Please be advised we will impose the Surabaya Channel Fee Surcharge (SCF) for both import and export cargo effe...
Mariana Express Lines Pte. Ltd. (MELL) is pleased to announce that Global Liner Agencies (GLA) as our agent in Europe with effect from 1...
**Postponement of Rate Restoration (RR)** The new effective date will be 17th July 2017
**Postponement of Rate Restoration (RR)** The new effective date will be...