Expansion of ANA Services - Lae, Papua New Guinea Port of Call - 20 Jun 2016
Dear Valued Customers,
To further strengthen our Asia North Australia (ANA) service and to allow us to serve our customers better by providing an additional port of call in Papua New Guinea, we are pleased to announce the direct service to Lae, Papua New Guinea. With the additional Lae call, we are now providing more service coverage in Papua New Guinea besides Port Moresby (Motukea).
The new port of call will take effect from MV "William Strait" 016S which is estimated to arrive at Shanghai on 10 July 2016 with her maiden call at Lae on 2 August 2016. Please refer to our revised service profile as per below:-
Frequency: Fortnightly
Voyage Duration: 42 days
Vessel's Deployment: 3 x1700 TEUs
Vessel's rotation: Shanghai – Qingdao – Ningbo – Hong Kong – Surabaya(T/S to Dili) – Darwin – Port Moresby – Lae – Townsville – Kaohsiung – Shanghai
Our long term schedule and service profile of ANA are also attached for your easy reference.
If you require more information or any clarifications on the above, please do not hesitate to contact MELL local offices.
Kind regards,
Mariana Express Lines Pte Ltd